Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday Shopping

Sooo how many of you participated in Black Friday? My friend Shelley told me that she was going to Khol's at 4:00 in the morning to shop. WTF!! That is sooo crazy to me. Do you really save that much money by shopping that early? I heard that people get really vicious out there. See, it definitely wouldn't be good for me cause I would be in a bad mood the whole time.. Any who, I think I am officially going to start my shopping today.

Nothing too exciting is going on while on Sabbatical... But I am enjoying spending time with the kids. Except for when they are running around, fighting with each other, making a mess of everything! That's when "Calgon take me away" comes into play. But hey, what can you do?

Thanks for stopping by... Til next time!

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