Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday Shopping

Sooo how many of you participated in Black Friday? My friend Shelley told me that she was going to Khol's at 4:00 in the morning to shop. WTF!! That is sooo crazy to me. Do you really save that much money by shopping that early? I heard that people get really vicious out there. See, it definitely wouldn't be good for me cause I would be in a bad mood the whole time.. Any who, I think I am officially going to start my shopping today.

Nothing too exciting is going on while on Sabbatical... But I am enjoying spending time with the kids. Except for when they are running around, fighting with each other, making a mess of everything! That's when "Calgon take me away" comes into play. But hey, what can you do?

Thanks for stopping by... Til next time!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween Party Pics

So here are just a few pics from the Halloween Party. I have loads more on my computer but this will do for now. The kids had sooo much fun!
We had a few games for the kids to play. One was tossing balls through the Pumpkin mouth. The other was bobbing for apples. The kids seemed to like the bobbing for apples game better than the other. The adults had fun with it as well. We tried to get a conga line going but not many were interested. We still tried but the kids ending up getting goofy and the line never really took off. We had fun none the less. Tina got a prize for best costume. She was Cat In The Hat. She looked awesome.

I was not to enthused about the clean up after, but Tina stayed behind and helped clean up. I was soo tired that I could have left it for the next morning, but was glad that Tina stayed behind because it forced me to clean. I was soo tired the next day but it was worth it!

I will definitely do it again next year.